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About Us Our goal is to be a conduit... a pathway to inspire the people of this wired world to communicate, collaborate, and connect™. To this end, our objective is to continuously make ourselves obsolete through improvement and innovation.

Ender Design Inc. has been developing sites and Web-based applications for over 5 years. Our accomplishments extend beyond public sites to the Desktop, for intranets and enterprise distribution of web-based training for computer applications.

Contact Me! began in 1996 as QChat on the Ender Design Inc. Web site. QChat later evolved into Say It! built on a faster more robust programming platform. In order to provide the site with its own identity, the latest incarnation is Contact Me! on its own domain and on a superior database system to its predecessor.
Contact Me! is its own destination. You are no longer isolated. You are now one among 6 billion and we can be the unified path to get in touch with them. So be the one to start a dialog by shouting out "Contact Me!"

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